Pump Engineering – Pumps & Systems

Pump Engineering manufactures and markets one of the widest ranges of pumps in the UK for just about every liquids handling application.

Whatever industry sector you are involved in; Industrial & Chemical, Pharmaceutical & Cosmetics, Food & Beverage or Water & Waste… we can supply a pump to suit your requirements.

It’s our fast and professional response to all enquiries and our ability to select the correct pump, even when handling difficult and aggressive liquids that really sets us apart from other pump suppliers.

Our quality of service combined with competitive prices, quick and reliable deliveries, efficient after-sales and technical expertise is the foundation of our reputation.

We are a direct distributor for…
Alpha Pompe Cast Iron Centrifugal and Self Priming Pumps
ASV Stuebbe Valves and Pumps
Badger Meter Proportional and Metering Valves and Flow Meters
Blagdon Air Operated Double Diaphragm Pumps
CSF Inox Hygienic Centrifugal, Self Priming, Progressive Cavity, Piston and Sine type Pumps
CSF Steam Water Mixers
Flux Barrel Pumps
GVR Gear Pumps
Xylem (was ITT) Jabsco Lobe pumps
Xylem (was ITT) Lowara pumps
Grundfos Alldos
Grundfos Hilge
MTH Low NPSHr Peripheral / Regenerative Turbine Pumps
Ponndorf Peristaltic Pumps

We also make our own control panels including an off the shelf duty/ standby system and offer on site installation though our sister company Process Installations Limited.

Visit our website: www.pumpeng.co.uk